Education for All is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt charitable organization in USA focusing on providing quality education free of charge to rural children in India irrespective of cast, creed, religion or any other status. In many countries including India, quality education is no longer affordable to the general public while private institutions charge hefty fees and often also require large donations. Our goal is to provide free quality education to qualified children along with free food and shelter to those children who cannot afford it. At present, we are collaborating with the Prashanthi Balamandira Trust (PBMT) which currently supports over 28 such campuses. Our major focus is on helping with the construction and maintenance of two campuses, the Doddaballapur campus for girls and the Tumkur campus for boys both near Bengaluru in Karnataka state in India. We are also focused on supporting those students attending those campuses both for their education and their residential costs. For information on either of these campuses, please click here. We support all Campuses of the Sri Sathya Loka Seva Gurukulam. For information on them all, click here. .
If you would like to participate in this noble cause, please click here.
(These are the Projects currently supported by Prashanthi Balamandira Trust)
(For complete list of campuses supportd by Prashanthi Balamandira Trust, please go to Initiatives page)